During October 1994, a dual-frequency GPS receiver was operated in Alc
antara, Brazil, at the same site where the Cornell University Portable
Radar Interferometer (CUPRI) was performing spread-F measurements for
an ongoing rocket campaign. We present data for two nights during whi
ch several spread-F plumes drifted through the field-of-view of CUPRI.
Fluctuations in the total electron content (TEC) measured with the GP
S receiver were correlated with those plumes. We define a ''roughness'
' measure from a specialized high frequency filter. Plots of ''roughne
ss'' in a magnetic longitude versus time space show initially low acti
vity followed by regions of dramatic localized onsets and a slower sub
sequent decline. Features in the roughness image are well-correlated w
ith plumes in the CUPRI backscatter power map.