Competency assessment is an ongoing, continuous process of monitoring indiv
iduals' abilities to perform their specific job functions. A variety of met
hods are useful in monitoring cytology competency, including rescreening st
udies, descriptive monitors (abnormality rates), discrepancy rates, workloa
d patterns, competency-based educational programs and programs using unknow
n slide challenges. The goal of proficiency testing (PT) is to ascertain an
d assess the ability of individuals beyond the particular items or challeng
es presented. However, cytology PT faces many challenges for implementation
as it cannot duplicate normal working conditions, and there is often no go
ld standard to define the truth. PT is just one measure of performance and
should be considered in conjunction with other quality assessment monitors.
There is no consensus on the value or validity of a large-scale regulatory
PT program. Any regulatory PT program should be field tested prior to impl
ementation, and the grading system should be scientifically defensible. Sco
ring of performance on PT should occur in a timely fashion, and there shoul
d be an opportunity for educational feedback. The ultimate aim of both comp
etency assessment and PT is to positively affect laboratory procedures and
improve the cervical cancer screening process.