A three-dimensional unstructured grid arbitrarily shaped element method is
developed for solving the Navier-Stokes equations. The proposed method is g
enerally applicable to arbitrarily shaped elements and, thus, offers the po
tential to unify many of the different grid topologies into a single formul
ation Examples of grid topologies include a structured hexahedral mesh; uns
tructured tetrahedral mesh; hybrid mesh using a combination of hexahedra, t
etrahedra, prisms, and pyramids; Cartesian mesh with elements (cubes) cut b
y now boundaries; and mixed arbitrary multiblock meshes. The concept of suc
h an arbitrary element method is developed and implemented into a pressure-
based finite volume solver. It utilizes a collocated and cell-centered stor
age scheme. Expressions for second-order discretizatious of the convection
and diffusion terms are derived and presented for an arbitrarily shaped ele
ment. The developed code, as a first step, is applied to two selected three
dimensional viscous flows using a structured hexahedral mesh and an unstru
ctured tetrahedral mesh. It is demonstrated that the concept of the arbitra
rily shaped element method can be viable and efficient.