Jn. Kristiansen et al., Does size matter? Maximising nutrient and biomass intake by shoot size selection amongst herbivorous geese, ARDEA-T NED, 88(2), 2000, pp. 119-125
The selectivity of Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostr
is feeding on Timothy Phleum pratense hayfields in Iceland during their spr
ing staging was studied in three fields of different shoot density (high, m
edium and low) and discussed in the context of optimal foraging. Biomass an
d nitrogen content of the Phleum laminae (leaves) taken by the geese were a
nalysed and correlated to lamina length. In all fields the geese were highl
y selective for the larger laminae, ignoring shorter ones. Because the qual
ity (nitrogen content) of the laminae decreased only slightly with increasi
ng lamina length, the geese maximised their intake per peck by only taking
the largest laminae. This study suggests that, even at high peck rates, her
bivorous geese are capable of selecting most profitable bite sizes at a fin
e grained scale.