The platelet-activating factor (PAF) acetylhydrolases catalyze hydrolysis o
f the sn-2 ester bond of PAF and related proinflammatory phospholipids and
thus attenuate their bioactivity. One secreted (plasma) and four intracellu
lar isozymes have been described. The intracellular isozymes are distinguis
hed by differences in primary sequence, tissue localization, subunit compos
ition, and substrate preferences. The most thoroughly characterized intrace
llular isoform, Ib, is a G-protein-like complex with two catalytic subunits
(alpha1 and alpha2) and a regulatory beta subunit. The beta subunit is a p
roduct of the LISI gene, mutations of which cause Miller-Dieker lissencepha
ly. Isoform II is a single polypeptide that is homologous to the plasma PAF
acetylhydrolase and has antioxidant activity in several systems. Plasma PA
F acetylhydrolase is also a single polypeptide with a catalytic triad of am
ino acids that is characteristic of the alpha/beta hydrolases. Deficiency o
f this enzyme has been associated with a number of pathologies. The most co
mmon inactivating mutation, V279F, is found ill > 30% of randomly surveyed
Japanese subjects (4% homozygous, 27% heterozygous). The prevalence of the
mutant allele is significantly greater in patients with asthma, stroke, myo
cardial infarction, brain hemorrhage, and nonfamilial cardiomyopathy, Precl
inical studies have demonstrated that recombinant plasma PAF acetylhydrolas
e can prevent or attenuate pathologic inflammation in a number of animal mo
dels. In addition, preliminary clinical results suggest that the recombinan
t enzyme may have pharmacologic potential in human inflammatory disease as
well. These observations underscore the physiological importance of the PAF
acetylhydrolases and point toward new approaches for controlling pathologi
c inflammation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.