Earthworms are generally considered to fit the definition of ecosystem engi
neers. The casts they produce are recognised to have a great importance in
the regulation of soil processes. Lifetimes and degradation rates of these
structures remain poorly known. In this study, the dynamics of disappearanc
e and the changes in the physical properties of the surface casts of the an
ecic earthworm Martiodrilus capimaguensis were assessed in a native savanna
and an intensive pasture. In both systems, casts were composed of superpos
ed layers deposited by earthworms over a period of at least a few days. The
half-life of casts ranged between 2 months and 11 months in the pastures (
trampled and protected, respectively), and 5 months in the savanna. Some dr
y casts remained at the soil surface for more than 1 year after having been
excreted. The disappearance of casts was mostly attributed to rain-drop im
pact and the effect of animal trampling. The bulk density of fresh casts wa
s higher (+17%, P<0.05) or equivalent (-1%, P>0.05) to that of the surround
ing soil, in the savanna and the pasture, respectively. Fresh cast aggregat
es were of larger size than bulk soil aggregates (about +70% in both system
s, P<0.05). Bulk density and the size of cast aggregates decreased with cas
t ageing (from -29% to -24% for bulk density, and from -68% to -80% for siz
e, in the pasture and the savanna, respectively). Macroinvertebrates were o
bserved digging into casts, and were assumed to be partly responsible for t
he physical degradation of casts with time.