A new approach to cancer drug discovery targets molecules important in canc
er pathogenesis. This approach is thought to be of greater promise than the
antiproliferative screens which discovered cytotoxic agents and dominated
cancer drug discovery for 60 years. However, one cannot lose sight of the f
act that these targets exist in the cellular environment consisting of many
additional influences on target function, and that effective drug treatmen
t will take into account drug uptake, metabolism and elimination at the lev
el of the cell as well as the organism. A key goal is to define for the new
millennium a path to cancer drug discovery and development which accounts
for the cancer cell phenotype in its totality rather than as arising solely
from single molecular targets. The US National Cancer Institute maintains
a cell-based drug discovery screen which can define a context for drug acti
on in the milieu of more than 300 molecular targets and thousands of gene e
xpression patterns which have been measured in the 60 human tumour cell lin
es which comprise the screening panel. The challenge of the millennium will
be addressed by molecules active against defined targets but with selectiv
ity of action occurring in the milieu of deregulated cancer cell biology in
all its aspects. (C) 2000 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.com