As soon as they hatch, gallinaccous chicks follow broody hens. This matriar
chal unit presents a temporal organization of activity. The ontogeny of thi
s ultradian rhythm of activity was followed in Japanese quail during their
first 3 weeks of life. Under controlled laboratory conditions, 12 groups of
four chicks were recorded using an activity monitoring system. They were o
bserved between the ages of 3 and 17 days. Chicks in groups presented an ul
tradian rhythm of activity, with a period that increased significantly from
14.3 +/- 1.4 minutes when chicks were 2 days old to 26.0 +/- 1.9 minutes w
hen they were 16 days old. The increase of ultradian periodicity was partic
ularly pronounced during their first and third weeks of life. Finally, the
ultradian period was correlated positively with body weight of the chicks.