Background and Aims:The aim of this study was to investigate the cause of c
ontinuing weight-loss in hospitalized patients. We determined 1. whether th
e hospital menu was able to meet the patients' minimum nutritional requirem
ents, 2. the proportion of food being wasted and 3. the mean nutritional in
takes of patients.
Methods:This study was carried out in a University hospital (1200 beds). Al
l the food supplied and wasted was measured over a 28 day period on one war
d in each of 4 different specialities. Average food intake per patient was
calculated and checked against individual food intake measurements.
Results: The hospital menu provided over 2000 kcal/day and could meet patie
nts' nutritional requirements. However, high wastage rates of greater than
40% resulted in energy and protein intakes within all specialities being le
ss than 80% of that recommended. The cost of this waste was pound 139,655 i
n these four specialities.
Conclusions: More than 40% of hospital food was wasted. Energy and protein
intakes were low and patients did not, therefore, meet their recommended in
takes. This helps to explain continuing weight-loss in hospital patients an
d represents a large waste of resources. Hospital feeding policies therefor
e need reviewing and made more appropriate to the needs of the sick. (C) 20
00 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.