Purpose. To determine changes in sialomucin complex (SMC, rat Muc4) express
ion in rat ocular surface tissue during development from birth to adult.
Methods. Immunoblot and immunocytochemical analyses were performed on isola
ted corneal tissue and rat eyes, respectively, from animals at days 1, 9 an
d 15 after birth. Adult animals were used for comparison.
Results. SMC was detected by immunoblotting at all ages (day 1-adult) and i
ncreased into adulthood. Immunocytochemical localization also showed steadi
ly increasing amounts of SMC to adulthood. The SMC was located at the apica
l surface of the corneal epithelium and in the superficial layers of the st
ratified corneal epithelium.
Conclusions. SMC at the corneal surfaces steadily increases during developm
ent to adulthood, but does not exhibit a marked transition in expression at
the time of eye-opening.