alpha -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) -type glutamat
e receptors play a critical role in excitotoxicity associated with cerebral
hypoxia, ischaemia and other acute brain insults. AMPA receptors are compo
sed of GluR1-GluR4 subunits in homomeric and heteromeric assemblies, formin
g nonselective cation channels. In addition, each subunit has alternative s
plice variants, flip and flop forms. Heterologous expression studies showed
that the AMPA receptor channels exhibit diverse properties depending on su
bunit/variant composition. For example, the absence of the GluR2 subunit ma
kes AMPA receptor assemblies Ca2+-permeable. Excitotoxicity induced by acti
vating AMPA receptor channels has been linked to excessive Ca2+ influx thro
ugh the GluR2-lacking channels. Here we demonstrate that coexpression of th
e AMPA receptor GluR2flip and GluR4flip subunits exerts a lethal effect on
HEK293 cells, whereas no lethal activity is observed in other homomeric or
heteromeric combinations of AMPA receptor subunits. Patch clamp recordings
and Ca2+ imaging analyses have revealed that this GluR2flip/GluR4flip recep
tor exhibits a low Ca2+ permeability. This subunit combination, however, sh
owed prolonged Na+ influx following AMPA stimulation, even in the absence o
f cyclothiazide, which attenuates AMPA receptor desensitization. Furthermor
e, the GluR2flip/GluR4flip-mediated lethality was potentiated by the interr
uption of cellular Na+ extrusion mechanisms using ouabain or benzamil. Thes
e observations suggest that the GluR2flip/GluR4flip receptor-mediated excit
otoxicity is attributed to Na+ overload, but not Ca2+ influx.