HIV infection continues to be a major global health problem. Current anti-H
IV therapies targeting reverse transcriptase and protease enzymes suffer fr
om high cost, a high probability of engendering resistance and adverse side
effects following prolonged use. Thus, we are faced with the need to devel
op new antiviral strategies with more potent compounds and/or novel antivir
al targets. The recent characterisation of the HIV cell-fusion mechanism an
d initial mapping of the interactions of the proteins involved in this proc
ess has provided an opportunity to identify and take advantage of chemokine
co-receptors as new antiviral targets. The HIV fusogenic particle consists
of virus-derived gp120, gp41 and cell-derived CD4 and chemokine co-recepto
rs, all of which must interact in a concerted fashion to allow entry of the
virus into the cell. The structural analysis of these components has resul
ted in the identification of a number of new antiviral fusion targets that
are distinct from gp120:CD4 binding. Three types of fusogenic particle anta
gonists have emerged: (1) ribozyme based gene therapy targeting the chemoki
ne co-receptors; (2) peptide-based antagonists targeting either domains of
gp41 or chemokine co-receptors; and (3) small molecule inhibitors targeting
the virus:co-receptor interaction. In summary, HIV fusion inhibitors, like
the current clinically approved agents, will need to be used in combinatio
ns consisting of antivirals that target all aspects of the HIV replication
cycle and components of the fusogenic particle, to obtain optimum therapeut
ic effect.