The fertility pattern, in terms of birth intervals, in a rural population n
ot practicing contraception belonging to La Alta Alpujarra Oriental (southe
ast Spain) is analyzed. During the first half of the 20th century, this pop
ulation experienced a considerable degree of geographical and cultural isol
ation. Because of this population's high variability in fertility and there
fore in birth intervals, the analysis was limited to a homogenous subsample
of 154 families, each with at least five pregnancies. This limitation allo
wed us to analyze, among and within families, effects of a set of variables
on the interbirth pattern, and to avoid possible problems of pseudoreplica
tion. Information on birth date of the mother, age at marriage, children's
birth date and death date, birth order. and frequency of miscarriages was c
ollected. Our results indicate that interbirth intervals depend on an expon
ential effect of maternal age, especially significant after the age of 35,
This effect is probably related to the biological degenerative processes of
female fertility with age. A linear increase of birth intervals with birth
order within families was found as well as a reduction of intervals among
families experiencing an infant death. Our sample size was insufficient to
detect a possible replacement behavior in the case of infant death. High na
tality and mortality rates, a secular decrease of natality rates, a log-nor
mal birth interval, and family-size distributions suggest that La Alpujarra
has been a natural fertility population following a demographic transition