Measurement uncertainty is a key hindrance to the quantification of water f
luxes at all scales of investigation. Predictions of soil-water flux rely o
n accurate or representative measurements of hydraulic gradients and field-
state hydraulic conductivity. We quantified the potential magnitude of erro
rs associated with the parameters and variables used directly and indirectl
y within the Darcy-Buckingham soil-water-flux equation. These potential err
ors were applied to a field hydrometric data set collected from a forested
hillslope in central Singapore, and their effect on flow pathway prediction
s was assessed. Potential errors in the hydraulic gradient calculations wer
e small, approximately one order of magnitude less than the absolute magnit
ude of the hydraulic gradients. However, errors associated with field-state
hydraulic conductivity derivation were very large. Borehole (Guelph permea
meter) and core-based (Talsma ring: permeameter) techniques were used to me
asure field-saturated hydraulic conductivity. Measurements using these two
approaches differed by up to 3.9 orders of magnitude, with the difference b
ecoming increasingly marked within the B horizon. The sensitivity of the sh
ape of the predicted unsaturated hydraulic conductivity curve to +/- 5% moi
sture content error on the moisture release curve was also assessed. Applie
d moisture release curve error resulted in hydraulic conductivity predictio
ns of less than +/- 0.2 orders of magnitude deviation from the apparent con
ductivity. The flow pathways derived from the borehole saturated hydraulic
conductivity approach suggested a dominant near-surface flow pathway, where
as pathways calculated from the core-based measurements indicated vertical
percolation to depth. Direct tracer evidence supported the latter flow path
way, although tracer velocities were approximately two orders of magnitude
smaller than the Darcy predictions. We conclude that saturated hydraulic co
nductivity is the critical hillslope hydrological parameter, and there is a
n urgent need to address the issues regarding its measurement further. Copy
right (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.