It is well-known that TCP often experiences severe performance degradation
in mobile networks since packet losses not related to network congestion oc
cur frequently due to host mobility. In this paper, we propose a new packet
buffering method to address such a problem without the scalability problem
in Mobile IP based networks. For this purpose, we first investigate the pe
rformance of TCP Tahoe without considering packet buffering through the sim
ulation. Our simulation result shows that in most cases, the smooth handoff
by the route optimization extension of Mobile IP standard cannot prevent t
he degradation of TCP performance due to handoffs, although it is designed
to reduce the number of packets dropped during the handoff. It also shows t
hat in utilizing the route optimization extension, the TCP performance some
times becomes worse even than the case of the base Mobile IP unless its smo
oth handoff makes less than four packets be dropped during the handoff. Suc
h results mean that at least for TCP, the smooth handoff is not useful unle
ss the route optimization extension supports the buffering method, which ma
kes handoffs be transparent to transport layer protocols by recovering the
packets dropped during the handoff. We then investigate the effects of pack
et buffering on the performance of TCP. We modify the route optimization ex
tension in order to support packet buffering at the base station, but it is
a very minor change. Finally, we discuss some problems that should be addr
essed to recover the packets dropped during the handoff by the buffering me
thod without giving a worse impact on the performance of TCP, and propose o
ur solution to solve those problems.