Current National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) operational
global- and continental-scale snow cover maps are produced interactively by
visual analysis of satellite imagery. This snow product is subjective, and
its preparation requires a substantial daily human effort. The primary obj
ective of the current study was to develop an automated system that could p
rovide NOAA analysts with a first-guess snow cover map and thus to reduce t
he human labor in the daily snow cover analysis. The proposed system uses a
combination of observations in the visible, midinfrared, and infrared made
by the Imager instrument aboard Geostationary Operational Environmental Sa
tellites (GOES) and microwave observations of the Special Sensor Microwave
Imager (SSM/I) aboard the polar-orbiting Defense Meteorological Satellite P
rogram platform. The devised technique was applied to satellite data for ma
pping snow cover for the North American continent during the winter season
of 1998/99. To assess the system performance, the automatically produced sn
ow maps were compared with the NOAA interactive operational product and wer
e validated against in situ land surface observations. Validation tests rev
ealed that in 85% of cases the automated snow maps fit exactly the ground s
now cover reports. Snow identification with the combination of GOES and SSM
/I observations was found to be more efficient than the one based solely on
satellite microwave data. Comparisons between the automated maps and the N
OAA operational product have shown their good agreement in the distribution
of snow covet and its area coverage. The accuracy of the automated product
was found to be similar to and sometimes higher than the accuracy of the o
perational snow cover maps manually produced at NOAA.