We consider static conductivity and cyclotron resonance in a two-dimen
sional electron fluid and Wigner crystal. The theory is nonperturbativ
e in the electron-electron interaction. It is formulated in terms of a
Coulomb force that drives an electron due to thermal fluctuations of
electron density. This force is used to describe the effect of electro
n-electron interaction on short-wavelength electron scattering by defe
cts, phonons, and ripplons, and thus on electron transport. In a broad
parameter range the force is uniform over the electron wavelength, an
d therefore the motion of an electron in the field of other electrons
is semiclassical. In this range we derive the many-electron quantum tr
ansport equation and develop techniques for solving it. We find the st
atic conductivity sigma. Many-electron effects may ''restore'' Drude-t
ype behavior of sigma in the range from zero to moderate classically s
trong magnetic fields B, whereas in quantizing fields sigma increases
with B, i.e., the conductivity is a nonmonotonous function of B. Many-
electron effects give rise also to a substantial narrowing of the cycl
otron resonance absorption peak compared to what follows from the sing
le-electron theory. The shape of the peak is found for both fast and s
low rate of interelectron momentum exchange as compared with the relax
ation rate. We apply the results to electrons on helium and explain wh
y different types of B dependence of sigma are observed.