Mice deleted for the plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) gene are rel
atively protected from developing pulmonary fibrosis induced by bleomycin.
We hypothesized that PAI-1 deficiency reduces fibrosis by promoting plasmin
ogen activation and accelerating the clearance of fibrin matrices that accu
mulate within the damaged lung. In support of this hypothesis, we found tha
t the lungs of PAI-1(-/-) mice accumulated less fibrin after injury than wi
ld-type mice, due in part to enhanced fibrinolytic activity. To further sub
stantiate the importance of fibrin removal as the mechanism by which PAI-1
deficiency limited bleomycin-induced fibrosis, bleomycin was administered t
o mice deficient in the gene for the A alpha -chain of fibrinogen (fib). Co
ntrary to our expectation, fib(-/-) mice developed pulmonary fibrosis to a
degree similar to fib(+/-) littermate controls, which have a plasma fibrino
gen level that is 70% of that of wild-type mice. Although elimination of fi
brin from the lung was not in itself protective, the beneficial effect of P
AI-1 deficiency was still associated with proteolytic activity of the plasm
inogen activation system. In particular, inhibition of plasmin activation a
nd/or activity by tranexamic acid reversed both the accelerated fibrin clea
rance and the protective effect of PAI-1 deficiency. We conclude that prote
ction from fibrosis by PAI-1 deficiency is depend ent upon increased proteo
lytic activity of the plasminogen activation system; however, complete remo
val of fibrin is not sufficient to protect the lung.