This series of three articles is structured to provide anatomically accurat
e functional schematics of the motor and sensory innervation of the shoulde
r and upper limb. This first paper provides radiographically oriented sagit
tal sections through the brachial plexus to assist in directly identifying
a plexal lesion. A coronal schematic of the brachial plexus and summary tab
le allows prediction of unique patterns of denervation from 19 lesion sites
. Correlation between the lesion and the denervation pattern ensures the le
sion is, in fact, clinically significant. The next two articles will presen
t a color-coded atlas that allows the radiologist to quickly assess pattern
s of denervated muscles and thereby indirectly localize the lesion site. Th
us, the three articles can be used together to predict the clinical picture
for a given nerve lesion or extrapolate lesion location when a constellati
on of denervated muscles are seen on an upper Limb magnetic resonance imagi
ng or electromyographic study.