he Nuclear Risk Management for Native Communities (NRMNC) project is a coll
aborative academic, community-based, tribal project, which conducts the thr
ee essential elements of participatory research: research, education, and c
ommunity action, named here as "community-based hazards management." This a
rticle describes the goals and outcomes of this effort in assisting Native
American communities in Nevada, Utah, and Southern California affected by n
uclear fallout from U.S. weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s. The NRMNC
project sought to create new models for dealing with health research and ri
sk communication needs in an environmental justice setting. The following r
esults of this four-year project are discussed: (1) building a community-ba
sed environmental health infrastructure, (2) building community capacities
through workshops and educational materials, (3) conducting both technical
and community research, and (4) facilitating community-based hazards manage
ment planning. We describe such positive outcomes as the improvements in th
e scientific database through participatory research activities, the develo
pment of equitable relationships between scientists and community members,
and the creation of a sustaining program intervention for long-term communi
ty needs. The project's outcomes are presented as an expansion to limited s
cientific risk management outcomes in the environmental health field that o
ften are solely quantitative and lack relevance to community concerns about
environmental health impacts from contamination.