Optic-spinal form of multiple sclerosis (OS-MS) and HTLV-I associated myelo
pathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) are two immune-mediated myelop
athy relatively common in Japan. (1) Transverse myelitis, once seen in 60%
of MS, mostly OS-MS, 30 years ago, drastically decreased (5%) recently in J
apan. In contrast, frequency of conventional form of MS (C-MS) increased du
ring this period of time. But unlike C-MS in white patients, cerebellar hem
ispheric lesions are uncommon in Japanese C-MS. These findings emphasize in
fluence of changes in exogenous factors on manifestations of MS and distinc
t genetic factors related to MS in Japanese and white patients. (2) To clar
ify the reason of high HTLV-I proviral load in HAM/TSP, we studied cellular
immune surveillance against HTLV-I and found that significant cytotoxic T
lymphocyte activity, and suppressed natural killer activity and antibody-de
pendent cell-mediated cytotoxicity in the patients. These altered immune su
rveillance may be associated with the spread of HTLV-I infection and the pa
thogenesis of HAM/TSP.