Two years after the start of operations at the Tokachi Association for Muni
cipal Waste Disposal and Treatment Services municipal waste incineration pl
ant (name: Kuririn Center), which generates 400 degreesC steam, an investig
ation of the plant's superheater tubes was conducted. The investigation con
sisted primarily of analyzing ash deposits, measuring tube wall thickness l
oss and observing tube sections after removal. The concentration of Cl in t
he deposited ash was found to increase as the temperature of the gas rose,
and the amount of deposited ash tended to increase as the temperature of th
e gas rose. Tube damage consisted primarily of a uniform loss in thickness.
Intergranular corrosion and other local corrosion was not observed. The re
sults of thickness-loss measurements showed that, after approximately two y
ears in operation, tubes (SUS310) lost a maximum of 0.45 mm in thickness du
e to high-temperature corrosion in locations where the steam temperature re
ached 400 degreesC. Superheater tubes were also apparently damaged from the
effects of a soot blower, resulting in an observed maximum loss of 0.9 mm
thickness after approximately two years. Furthermore, the rate of thickness
loss tended to increase after one year had passed.