Despite the successful growth of the hospice movement during the past 30 ye
ars in the United States, almost 85% of Americans continue to die in hospit
als or nursing homes. While the benefits of palliative care principles are
well established, palliative care interventions remain underused in clinica
l practice in the settings in which most Americans die. Our premise is that
physicians as a group perpetuate end-of-life suffering rather than ease th
e transition from life to death. We also believe that maintaining quality o
f life (QOL) at the end of life requires a multidimensional approach orches
trated by physicians drawing on the full range of available physical, psych
ological, social, and spiritual interventions, This article defines the mea
ning of QOL at the end of life and then examines the ramifications of faili
ng to attend to QOL concerns in dying patients. It reviews strategies that
physicians can use to advance palliative care approaches, thereby reducing
terminally ill patients' suffering in the institutions in which most die.