During various states of vigilance, brain oscillations are grouped together
through reciprocal connections between the neocortex and thalamus. The coh
erent activity in corticothalamic networks, under the control of brainstem
and forebrain modulatory systems, requires investigations in intact-brain a
nimals. During behavioral states associated with brain disconnection from t
he external world, the large-scale synchronization of low-frequency oscilla
tions is accompanied by the inhibition of synaptic transmission through tha
lamocortical neurons. Despite the coherent oscillatory activity, on the fun
ctional side there is dissociation between the thalamus and neocortex durin
g slow-wave sleep. While dorsal thalamic neurons undergo inhibitory process
es due to the prolonged spike-bursts of thalamic reticular neurons, the cor
tex displays, periodically, a rich spontaneous activity and preserves the c
apacity to process internally generated signals that dominate the state of
sleep. In vivo experiments using simultaneous intracellular recordings from
thalamic and cortical neurons show that short-term plasticity processes oc
cur after prolonged and rhythmic spike-bursts fired by thalamic and cortica
l neurons during slow-wave sleep oscillations. This may serve to support re
sonant phenomena and reorganize corticothalamic circuitry, determine which
synaptic modifications, formed during the waking state, are to be consolida
ted and generate a peculiar kind of dreaming mentation. in contrast to the
long-range coherent oscillations that occur at low frequencies during slow-
wave sleep, the sustained fast oscillations that characterize alert slates
are synchronized over restricted territories and are associated with discre
te and differentiated patterns of conscious events. (C) 2000 IBRO. Publishe
d by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.