High-does methotrexate (HD-MTX) is widely used in combination chemotherapy
and can be handled without life-threatening toxicity in combination with le
ucovorin (LV) rescue. However, in an experimental animal model for testing
of short-term HD-MTX effects in anesthetized rats, the authors previously d
emonstrated intolerable toxicity and death within a few hours in some anima
ls. Serum levels were below levels routinely found in patients on HD-MTX tr
eatment. This study was aimed at disclosure of possible mechanisms for acut
e toxicity of MTX in rats. The previously determined maximum tolerated dose
of 5 g/kg MTX was used as the test dose. The animals that died showed sudd
en reduction in heart rate and blood pressure, LV, 1 g/kg infused immediate
ly prior to MTX, changed MTX elimination kinetics, but did not change the a
cute toxicity. The data of this study together with additional evidence obt
ained in the experimental model, suggest that MTX acute toxicity may not be
related to its antiproliferative effect, but rather to perturbation of end
othelial cell and platelet function.