We report on a finite-size Hartree-Fock study of the competition between di
sorder and interactions in a two-dimensional electron gas near Landau-level
filling factor nu =1. The ground state at nu =1 evolves with increasing di
sorder from a fully spin-polarized ferromagnet with a charge gap to a parti
ally spin-polarized ferromagnetic Anderson insulator, to a quasimetallic pa
ramagnet at the critical point between i=0 and i=2 quantum Hall plateaus. A
way from nu =1, the ground state evolves from a ferromagnetic Skyrmion quas
iparticle glass to a conventional quasiparticle glass, and finally to a con
ventional Anderson insulator. We comment on signatures of these different r
egimes in low-temperature transport and NMR line shape and peak position da