Far the one-loop contribution to the QCD vacuum tunneling amplitude by quar
ks of generic mass value, we make use of a calculational scheme exploiting
a large mass expansion together with a small mass expansion. The large mass
expansion for the effective action is given by a series involving higher-o
rder Seeley-DeWitt coefficients, and we carry this expansion up to order l/
(m rho)(8), where m denotes mass of the quark and rho the instanton size pa
rameter. For the small mass expansion, we use the known exact expression fa
r the particle propagation functions in an instanton background and evaluat
e explicitly the effective action to order (m rho)(2) A smooth interpolatio
n of the results from both expansions suggests that the quark contribution
to the instanton tunneling amplitude have a relatively simple m rho -depend
ent behavior.