Although frontal cortex is thought to be important in controlling behavior
across Long periods of time, most studies of this area concentrate on neuro
nal responses instantaneously relevant to the current task. In order to inv
estigate the relationship of frontal activity to behavior over Longer time
periods, we trained rhesus monkeys on a difficult oculomotor task. Their pe
rformance fluctuated during the day, and the activity of prefrontal neurons
, even measured while the monkeys waited for the targets to appear at the b
eginning of each set of trials, correlated with performance in a probabilis
tic rather than a determinist manner: neurons reflected past or predicted f
uture performance, much more than they reflected current performance. We su
ggest that this activity is related to processes such as arousal or motivat
ion that set the tone for behavior rather than controlling it on a millisec
ond basis, and could result from ascending pathways that utilize slow, seco
nd-messenger synaptic processes.