V. Eapen et al., GILLES-DE-LA-TOURETTES-SYNDROME IN SPECIAL-EDUCATION SCHOOLS - A UNITED-KINGDOM STUDY, Journal of neurology, 244(6), 1997, pp. 378-382
In order to determine the prevalence of tic disorders in children with
severe school problems requiring a residential facility and compariso
n groups of children in regular day schools, we performed direct clini
cal examinations for the presence of tics and Gilles de la Tourette's
syndrome (GTS) in 20 children from a residential school for emotional
and behavioral difficulties (EBD); 75 children from a residential scho
ol for learning disabilities; 17 ''problem'' children (PC) (identified
by teachers as having academic or behaviour problems) and 19 normal c
hildren (NC) selected at random (using random numbers) from a regular
school. Of the EBD students, 65% were judged to have definite tics as
compared with 24% of students with learning difficulties (P < 0.05), 6
% of PC (P < 0.003) and none of the NC (P < 0.0006) group. Most of the
affected students met diagnostic criteria for GTS. Our findings sugge
st that GTS is commonly associated with the need for special education
and that this association is particularly robust for children with se
vere school problems. In these children, the presence of tics may be a
n indicator of an underlying dysfunction of neurological development.