Hospital staff have a key function in asking for potential organ donors, bu
t little is known about their own attitudes towards donation. In a communit
y hospital with 7-8 multi-organ extraction procedures each year 199 staff m
embers were surveyed. Although only 7% of the responding staff would person
ally refuse to donate an organ, 23 % would not give consent to organ donati
on from a close relative. 47 % of those prepared to be donors had signed a
donor card. Donors informed their family more frequently (88 %) about their
personal attitude towards organ donation than non-donors (60 %), or undeci
ded personnel (43,8 %; chi-square P = 0,004). No significant difference in
attitude according to medical profession subgroups was found. The findings
are in line with general population surveys and indicate that much work nee
ds to be done to encourage medical staff involved in organ donation to set
an example to the community.