The occurrence and evolution of an oceanic tropical squall line observed on
22 February 1993 during TOGA-COARE over the equatorial Pacific Ocean were
simulated by use of a three-dimensional, nonhydrostatic storm-scale numeric
al model ARPS. The capacity of ARPS to simulate such tropical squall line w
as verified. The structure and dynamic mechanism of the squall line were di
scussed in details as well The impacts of the different microphysical proce
ss that including the ice phase and warm rain schemes on structure and evol
ution of the squall line were investigated by the sensitive experiment.
The simulations of the three-dimensional structure and evolution of the squ
all line are closely related with the observations when the proper microphy
sical processes were employed. The more latent heating released in the ice
phase processes associated with the freezing process leads to strengthening
deep convection due to the vertical gradient of buoyancy, which results in
a long life of the convective system. In contrast, the warm rain process i
s characterized by short life period, more pronounced rearward tilt structu
re and extension of stratiform cloud.