With the advent of high-throughput DNA sequencing and whole-genome analysis
, it has become clear that the coding portions of the genome are organized
hierarchically in gene families and superfamilies. Because the hierarchy of
genes, like that of living organisms, reflects an ancient and continuing p
rocess of gene duplication and divergence, many of the conceptual and analy
tical tools used in phylogenetic systematics can and should be used in comp
arative genomics. Phylogenetic principles and techniques for assessing homo
logy, inferring relationships among genes, and reconstructing evolutionary
events provide a powerful way to interpret the ever increasing body of sequ
ence data. In this review, we outline the application of phylogenetic appro
aches to comparative genomics, beginning with the inference of phylogeny an
d the assessment of gene orthology and paralogy. We also show how the phylo
genetic approach makes possible novel kinds of comparative analysis, includ
ing detection of domain shuffling and lateral gene transfer, reconstruction
of the evolutionary diversification of gene families, tracing of evolution
ary change in protein function at the amino acid level, and prediction of s
tructure-function relationships. A marriage of the principles of phylogenet
ic systematics with the copious data generated by genomics promises unprece
dented insights into the nature of biological organization and the historic
al processes that created it.