Ice particles found within polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) and upper trop
ospheric cirrus clouds can dramatically impact the chemistry and climate of
the Earth's atmosphere. The formation of PSCs and the subsequent chemical
reactions that occur on their surfaces are key components of the massive oz
one hole observed each spring over Antarctica. Cirrus clouds also provide s
urfaces for heterogeneous reactions and significantly modify the Earth's cl
imate by changing the visible and infrared radiation fluxes. Although the r
ole of ice particles in climate and chemistry is well recognized, the exact
mechanisms of cloud formation are still unknown, and thus it is difficult
to predict how anthropogenic activities will change cloud abundances in the
future. This article focuses on the nucleation, chemistry, and microphysic
al properties of ice particles composing PSCs and cirrus clouds. A general
overview of the current state of research is presented along with some unre
solved issues facing scientists in the future.