lp53 is a nuclear phosphoprotein acting as . transcription factor to regula
te cell cycle progression and apoptosis, mediated by a number of target gen
es, p53 mutant proteins have lost a) the ability to act as sequence-specifi
c transcription factors and b) their tumour suppressive properties. As p53
is the most commonly mutated gene in human cancer including laryngeal squam
ous cell carcinoma, an aggressive and most frequent tumour of head and neck
, it has attracted a great deal of interest as a prognostic factor diagnost
ic tool and therapeutic tar-get. This article reviews the current understan
ding of the prognostic significance of p53 in laryngeal squamous cell carci
noma. Immunohistochemical staining techniques and molecular generics demons
trated thar p53 activation is an early event in laryngeal squamous cell car
cinogenesis but can not be used as a reliable prognostic marker.