Objective: To establish evidence-based recommendations for the clinical pra
ctice of cognitive rehabilitation,, derived from a methodical review of the
scientific literature concerning the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilita
tion for persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) or stroke.
Data Sources: A MEDLINE literature search using combinations of these key w
ords as search terms: attention, awareness, cognition, communication, execu
tive, language, memory, perception, problem solving, reasoning, rehabilitat
ion, remediation, and training. Reference lists from identified articles al
so were reviewed; a total bibliography of 655 published articles was compil
Study Selection: Studies were initially reviewed according to the following
exclusion criteria:;nonintervention studies; theoretical, descriptive, or
review papers; papers without adequate specification of interventions; subj
ects other than persons with TBI or stroke; pediatric subjects; pharmacolog
ic interventions; and non-English language papers. After screening, 232 art
icles were eligible for inclusion. After detailed review, 61 of these were
excluded as single case reports without data, subjects other than TBI and s
troke, and nontreatment studies.. This screening yielded 171 articles to be
Data Extraction: Articles were assigned to 1 of 7 categories according to t
heir primary area of intervention: attention, visual perception and constru
ctional abilities, language and communication, memory, problem solving and
executive functioning, multi-modal interventions, and comprehensive-holisti
c cognitive rehabilitation. All articles were independently reviewed by at
least 2 committee members and abstracted according to specified criteria. T
he 171 studies that passed initial review were classified according to the
strength of their methods. Class I studies were defined as prospective rand
omized controlled trials. Class II studies were defined as prospective coho
rt studies, retrospective case-control studies, or clinical series with wel
l-designed controls. Class III studies were defined as clinical series with
out concurrent controls, or studies with appropriate single-subject methodo
Data Synthesis: Of the 171 studies evaluated, 29 were rated as Class I, 35
as Class II, and 107 as Class III. The overall evidence within each predefi
ned area of intervention was then synthesized and recommendations were deri
ved based on consideration of the relative strengths of the evidence. The r
esulting practice parameters were organized into 3 types of recommendations
: Practice Standards, Practice Guidelines, and Practice Options.
Conclusions: Overall, support exists for the effectiveness of several forms
of cognitive rehabilitation for persons with stroke and TBI. Specific reco
mmendations can be made for remediation of language and perception after le
ft and right hemisphere stroke, respectively, and for the remediation of at
tention, memory, functional communication, and executive functioning after
I TBI. These recommendations may help to establish parameters of effective
treatment, which should be of assistance to practicing clinicians.