An intraluminal membrane oxygenator (IMO) prototype was surgically inserted
in the ileum and evaluated as a method of supporting systemic oxygenation
in an acutely hypoxemic porcine model. Animals were assigned randomly to th
e test (n = 12) or the control (n = 8) groups, which underwent identical pr
otocols with the exception of the O-2 flow in the IMO device, which was shu
t off in the control group. In each case, hypoxia was induced by a reductio
n in the inspired oxygen fraction (Fio(2)) to 0.14. A highly significant im
provement (p < 0.005) in arterial and venous O-2 content and lower arteriov
enous O-2 difference (p < 0.05), cardiac output, and hemoglobin (p < 0.005)
were found in the test group during hypoxia. The results show that it is p
ossible to meet a physiologically significant portion of the body's O-2 dem
ands via the intestine during respiratory hypoxia and suggests that similar
devices may be of significant potential value as a supplemental oxygenatio
n device in cases of respiratory distress.