Adaptation of the techniques of classical physical-organic chemistry to the
study of protein folding has led to our current detailed understanding of
the transition states. Here, we have applied a series of structure-activity
relationships to analyse the effects on protein folding transition states
of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE), a reagent that is usually assumed to act b
y stabilising secondary structure. The folding and unfolding of the highly
alpha -helical tetramerisation domain of p53 provides a useful paradigm for
analysing its effects on kinetics: The first step of its folding consists
of an association reaction with little, if any, formation of secondary stru
cture in the transition state; and the final step of the folding reaction i
nvolves just the formation of bonds at subunit interfaces, with the alpha -
helical structure being completely formed. We have systematically measured
the effects of TFE on two sets of structure-activity relationships. The fir
st is for Phi values, which measure the degree of non-covalent bond formati
on at nearly every position in he transition state. The second is for relat
ive effects of the denaturant, guanidinium chloride, an kinetics and equili
bria, which measure the guess position of the transition state. on the reac
tion co-ordinate, We find that TFE modulated the, kinetics by a variety of
effects other than that on secondary structure. in particular, there were H
ammond effects, movement of: the position of the transition state along the
reaction co-ordinate, which either significantly speeded up or slowed down
protein unfolding depending on the particular mutant examined. The gross e
ffects of TFE on protein folding kinetics are thus not a, reliable guide to
the structures of transition states.