Skull base surgery is a recent development in our history, in as much as mo
st of the surgical techniques involved have been described within the last
century. To provide an historical prospective the author reviews the develo
pment of this specialty, arbitrarily dating its beginning some five centuri
es ago with the work of Leonardo da Vinci. By picking this period we includ
e the origin of scientific anatomy and personages interested in developing
new ideas and concepts who were able to leave the stagnant period of the Mi
ddle Ages behind. In 1900 surgeons worked alone, with the concept of a skul
l base "team" not yet existing. Endotracheal intubation and controlled resp
iration was just being introduced. Intraoperative monitoring of blood press
ure, pulse rate and respiration was not yet known. Harvey Gushing was to in
troduce this concept in the first decade of the last century. This survey t
races the ori gins of modern skull base surgery from its antecedents in the
Renaissance to the beginning of this century. A paper of this length can o
nly provide a sampling of themes and personalities; nevertheless, it will g
ive the reader an impressive overview of how far we have come and some idea
s of what the future holds.