OpenMP was recently proposed by a group of vendors as a programming model f
or shared memory parallel architectures. The growing popularity of such sys
tems, and the rapid availability of product-strength compilers for OpenMP,
seem to guarantee a broad take-up of this paradigm if appropriate tools for
application development can be provided, POST is an EU-funded project that
is developing a product, based on FORESYS from Simulog, which aims to redu
ce the human effort involved in the creation of OpenMP code. Additional res
earch within the project focuses on alternative techniques to support OpenM
P application development that target a broad variety of users. Functionali
ty ranges from fully automatic strategies for novice users, the provision o
f parallelization hints, and step-by-step strategies for porting code, to a
range of transformations and source code analyses that may be used by expe
rts, including the ability to create application-specific transformations.
The work is accompanied by the development of OpenMP versions of several in
dustrial applications. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.