Perforation of frustules of individual cells of the diatom Aulacoseira skvo
rtzowii Edlund, Stoermer & Taylor with an extended glass needle controlled
by a micro-manipulator was used to liberate the protoplast. The isolated to
tal DNA was used in subsequent amplification with specific primers and sequ
encing of a fragment of the rbcL gene. Comparison of the sequence of the am
plified rbcL gene fragment from A. skvortzowii, with those known for other
plants, revealed that it is closest to the sequence of rbcL from the marine
diatom Skeletonema costatum (12 amino acid substitutions over a fragment o
f 130 amino acid residues). Features of the ultra-structure of A. skvortzow
ii that are important for species identification (form and density of areol
ae, form of suture spine, etc.) remained intact when using this technique.
The combined approach promises a breakthrough in the application of DNA seq
uencing to diatom research.