Researchers have come to different conclusions about the usefulness of habi
tat-relationship models for predicting species presence or absence. This di
fference frequently stems from a failure to recognize the effects of spatia
l scales at which the models are applied. We examined the effects of model
complexity, spatial data resolution, and scale of application on the perfor
mance of bird habitat relationship (BHR) models on the Craig Mountain Wildl
ife Management Area and on the Idaho portion of the U.S. Forest Service's N
orthern Region. We constructed and tested BHR models for 60 bird species de
tected on the study areas. The models varied by three levels of complexity
(amount of habitat information) and three spatial data resolutions (0.09 ha
, 4 ha, 10 ha). We tested these models at two levels of analysis: the site
level (a homogeneous area <0.5 ha) and cover-type level tan aggregation of
many similar sites of a similar (and-cover type), using correspondence betw
een model predictions and species detections to calculate kappa coefficient
s of agreement. Model performance initially increased as models became more
complex until a point was reached where omission errors increased at a rat
e greater than the rate at which commission errors were decreasing. Heterog
eneity of the study areas appeared to influence the effect of model complex
ity. Changes in model complexity resulted in a greater decrease in commissi
on error than increase in omission error. The effect of spatial data resolu
tion on the performance of BHR models was influenced by the variability of
the study area. BHR models performed better at cover-type levels of analysi
s than at the site level for both study areas. Correct-presence estimates (
1 - minus percentage omission error) decreased slightly as number of specie
s detections increased on each study area. Correct-absence estimates (1 - p
ercentage commission error) increased as number of species detections incre
ased on each study area. This suggests that a large number of detections ma
y be necessary to achieve reliable estimates of model accuracy.