From the hypothesis that at zero temperature the square root of the spectra
l continuum threshold s(0) is linearly related to the QCD scale Lambda we d
erive in the chiral limit and for temperatures considerably smaller than La
mbda scaling relations for the vacuum parts of the Gibbs averaged scalar op
erators contributing to the thermal operator product expansion of the rho (
0) current-current correlator. The scaling with lambda drop roots(0)(T)/s(0
)(0), s(0) being the T-dependent perturbative QCD continuum threshold in th
e spectral integral, is simple for renormalization group invariant operator
s, and becomes nontrivial for a set of operators which mix and scale anomal
ously under a change of the renormalization point. In contrast to previous
works on thermal QCD sum rules with this approach the gluon condensate exhi
bits a sizable T-dependence. The rho -meson mass is found to rise slowly wi
th temperature which coincides with the result found by means of a PCAC and
current algebra analysis of the rho (0) correlator.