Ischemic disorders of the heart can cause an irreversible loss of cardiomyo
cytes resulting cause an irreversible loss of cardiomyocytes resulting in a
substantial decrease of cardiac output. The therapy of choice is heart tra
nsplantation, a technique that is hampered by the low number of donor organ
s. in the present study, we describe the specific labeling, rapid but gentl
e purification and characterization of cardiomyocytes derived from mouse pl
uripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells. To isolate the subpopulation of ventri
cular-like cardiomyocytes, ES cells were stable transfected with the enhanc
ed green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under transcriptional control of the ve
ntricular-specific 2.1 kb myosin light chain-2v (MLC-2v) promoter and the 0
.5 kb enhancer element of the cytomegalovirus (CMVenh.). First fluorescent
cells were detected at day 6 + 8 of differentiation within EBs. Four weeks
after initiation of differentiation 25% of the cardiomyocyte population dis
played fluorescence. Immunohistochemistry revealed the exclusive cardiomyog
enic nature of EGFP-positive cells. This was further corroborated by electr
ophysiological studies where preferentially ventricular phenotypes, but no
pacemaker-like cardiomyocytes, were detected among the EGFP-positive popula
tion. The enzymatic digestion of EBs, followed by Percoll gradient centrifu
gation and fluorescence-activated cell sorting, resulted in a 97% pure popu
lation of cardiomyocytes. Based on this study, ventricular-like cardiomyocy
tes can be generated in vitro from EBs and labeled using CMVenh./MLC-2V-dri
ven marker genes facilitating an efficient purification. This method may be
come an important tool for future cell replacement therapy of ischemic card
iomyopathy especially after the proof of somatic differentiation of human E
S cells in vitro.