We present an algorithm for inverting induced polarization (IP) data acquir
ed in a 3-D environment. The algorithm is based upon the linearized equatio
n for the IP response, and the inverse problem is solved by minimizing an o
bjective function of the chargeability model subject to data and bound cons
traints. The minimization is carried out using an interior-point method in
which the bounds are incorporated by using a logarithmic barrier and the so
lution of the linear equations is accelerated using wavelet transforms. Inv
ersion of TP data requires knowledge of the background conductivity. We stu
dy the effect of different approximations to the background conductivity by
comparing IP inversions performed using different conductivity models, inc
luding a uniform half-space and conductivities recovered from one-pass 3-D
inversions, composite 2-D inversions, limited AIM updates, and full 3-D non
linear inversions of the de resistivity data. We demonstrate that, when the
background conductivity is simple, reasonable IP results are obtainable wi
thout using the best conductivity estimate derived from full 3-D inversion
of the de resistivity data. As a final area of investigation, we study the
joint use of surface and borehole data to improve the resolution of the rec
overed chargeability models, We demonstrate that the joint inversion of sur
face and crosshole data produces chargeability models superior to those obt
ained from inversions of individual data sets.