Microwave window breakdown in vacuum is investigated for an idealized geome
try, where a dielectric slab is located in the center of a rectangular wave
guide,vith its normal parallel to the microwave direction of propagation, A
n S-band resonant ring with a frequency of 2.85 GHz and a power of 60 MW is
used. With field enhancement tips at the edges of the dielectric slab, the
threshold power for breakdown is observed to be dependent on the direction
of the microwaves; i.e., it is approximately 20% higher for the downstream
side of the slab than it is for the upstream side, Simple trajectory calcu
lations of secondary electrons in an RF field show a significant forward mo
tion of electrons parallel to the direction of microwave propagation. Elect
rons participating in a saturated secondary avalanche on the upstream side
are driven into the surface, and electrons on the downstream side are drive
n off the surface, because of the influence of the microwave magnetic field
, In agreement with the standard model of dielectric surface flashover for
de conditions (saturated avalanche and electron-induced outgassing), the co
rresponding change in the surface charge density is expected to be proporti
onal to the applied breakdown threshold electric field parallel to the surf