One of the key characteristics of inflammation is the recruitment of leukoc
ytes to the site of inflammation. Most anti-inflammatory strategies act int
racellularly on the target cells, but after the cells have migrated to the
site. We therefore propose that the prevention of cellular recruitment by b
lockade of the relevant chemokine receptor/ligand pair would present a nove
l therapy in that it would act upstream of the therapies currently in use.
The chemokine system is a complex family of over 40 ligands and 18 receptor
s and as such may appear difficult to inhibit selectively. In the first par
t of the article we discuss the specificity mechanisms that are beginning t
o be unraveled which we believe occur at multiple levels. These levels of c
ontrol of specificity include the temporal regulation of both the ligands a
nd their receptors, which are under the control of pro-inflammatory cytokin
es; the localization of chemokines on cell surfaces through their interacti
ons with glycosaminoglycans; differential receptor/ligand interactions; and
different patterns of receptor trafficking, to name but a few.
The chemokine system has been validated as providing good therapeutic targe
ts by several approaches. In our laboratory, we have used a chemokine recep
tor antagonist in models of inflammation in vivo to demonstrate that this a
pproach is successful in reducing inflammation. Chemokine receptors belong
to the class of seven transmembrane spanning receptors, which have proven t
o be excellent targets by the pharmaceutical industry for many diseases. Th
e number of small molecule inhibitors of chemokine receptors is rapidly gro
wing in the patent literature, and reports both in the literature as well a
s conferences in the field have shown them to be effective in inflammatory
disease models, as well as inhibiting HIV-1 infection. Since clinical trial
s will begin this year with some of these molecules, hopefully we will fair
ly soon have the answer of the efficacy of this therapeutic approach.