Cavity ring-down (CRD) spectroscopy is a direct absorption technique, which
can be performed with pulsed or continuous light sources and has a signifi
cantly higher sensitivity than obtainable in conventional absorption spectr
oscopy. The CRD technique is based upon the measurement of the rate of abso
rption rather than the magnitude of absorption of a light pulse confined in
a closed optical cavity with a high Q factor. The advantage over normal ab
sorption spectroscopy results from, firstly, the intrinsic insensitivity to
light source intensity fluctuations and, secondly, the extremely long effe
ctive path lengths (many kilometres) that can be realized in stable optical
cavities. In the last decade, it has been shown that the CRD technique is
especially powerful in gas-phase spectroscopy for measurements of either st
rong absorptions of species present in trace amounts or weak absorptions of
abundant species. In this review, we emphasize the various experimental sc
hemes of CRD spectroscopy, and we show how these schemes can be used to obt
ain spectroscopic information on atoms, molecules, ions and clusters in man
y environments such as open air, static gas cells, supersonic expansions, f
lames and discharges.