The historical status of the family Platypodidae is reviewed and the family
is revised. Results of a cladistic analysis based on 35 terminal taxa and
80 adult morphological characters show that the current placement of Platyp
odidae makes the subfamily Scolytinae paraphyletic. Moreover, several impor
tant genera included in Scolytinae are shown to be members of Cossoninae (i
.e. the placement of Protoplatypus Wood and Phylloplatypus Kato in Cossonin
ae is confirmed). Based on these results, the status of Platypodidae as a f
amily and subfamily is rejected, Scolytinae thereby becoming a monophyletic
taxon. Araucarius groups in Scolytinae instead of Cossoninae in the analys
is on a single step only, but it is suggested that it be retained in Cosson
inae until this subfamily is submitted to a similar phylogenetic study. Thr
ee genera and four species of Cossoninae are described as new: Dobionus Kus
chel, gen. nov.: type species D. araucarinus Kuschel, sp. nov. (with the in
clusion of D. brachyrhinus (Montrouzier)); Coptonus Kuschel, gen. nov.: typ
e species C. fijianus Kuschel, sp. nov. (with the inclusion of C. papuanus
Kuschel, sp. nov.) and Dissostomus Kuschel, gen. nov.: type species D. horn
abrooki Kuschel, sp. nov.