The how over the multi-element McDonnell Douglas configuration is computed
using the k-zeta transition/turbulence model. The model is capable of calcu
lating transition onset as part of the solution at a cost comparable to Nav
ier-Stokes solvers that employ two-equation models. The model is first inco
rporated into CFL3D and then used to calculate hows for two angles of attac
k, 8 and 19 deg, at a freestream Mach number of 0.2 and a Reynolds number o
f 9 x 10(6), In general, good agreement is indicated for predicting transit
ion onset and velocity profiles over sections of the main airfoil and Rap.
Most of the differences between computation and experiment are in the predi
ction of the extent and penetration of the slat wake at the 19-deg angle-of
-attack case. Even far this case relative differences were less than 5%.