Synthesis of the minus strand of viral DNA by human immunodeficiency virus,
type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase is accompanied by RNase H degradation
of the viral RNA genome. RNA fragments remain after synthesis and are degr
aded by the polymerase-independent mode of RNase H cleavage, Recently, we s
howed that this mode of cleavage occurs by a specific ordered mechanism in
which primary cuts are first, secondary and 5-nucleotide cuts are next, and
second primary cuts oc cur last (Wisniewski, Ri,, Balakrishnan, M., Palani
appan, C., Fay, P., J., and Bambara, R., A. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U
.S.A. 97, 11978-11983), Ultimately the RNAs are cleaved into small fragment
s that can dissociate from the DNA template. Because the cleavage mechanism
is an ordered series of events, we determined in this study whether any ea
rlier cut is required for a later cut, By precisely inhibiting cleavage at
each site, we examined the dependence of later cuts on cleavage at that sit
e, We found that each cut is independent of the other cuts, demonstrating t
hat the order of this stepwise mechanism is based on the rates of each cut.
A mechanism for unlinked ordered cleavage consistent with these results is